In a groundbreaking move, DarioHealth has acquired Twill, a leading mental health app, for $30 million. This strategic acquisition marks a pivotal moment for...
In a recent survey conducted by Ernst & Young (EY), it has been revealed that healthcare executives are overwhelmingly supportive of integrating new digital...
In a significant move aimed at bolstering employee well-being, AT&T has expanded its benefits package to include comprehensive fertility and family-building support through a...
In the realm of healthcare, the quest to find the right doctor can often resemble a perplexing maze, leaving patients feeling frustrated and uncertain....
As Canada's population ages, a concerning trend is emerging: dementia rates are poised to skyrocket, according to a groundbreaking study by the Alzheimer Society...
In a groundbreaking move to address the growing mental health challenges among college students, Lightfully Behavioral Health has unveiled Lightfully U, a revolutionary virtual...