50.4 F
Friday, March 14, 2025

Not Receiving Our Newsletters? Check this Guide!

If you are not receiving our newsletters, then the first thing to do is to check your spam folder. If you can see our newsletters there, then you should whitelist them/report them as not spam. The process for doing so is typically documented by your email product. You can also add us to your contact list (news@mail.healthcarenorthamerica.com).

If you can’t see our newsletters anywhere in your spam folder, then most likely they were filtered out by your establishment’s firewall. In this case, you should ask the security team of your IT department to whitelist incoming mail originating from the following IPs:

You should also ask them to whitelist the below domains:

  • healthcarenorthamerica.com
  • mail.healthcarenorthamerica.com
  • impmediagroup.com

If, even after implementing the above, you’re still not receiving our emails, then please contact us.